May 14, 2007

The Facebookization of Lameness

Like 99% of people my age, I have a profile on Facebook. I think it's pretty stupid and use it for absolutely nothing besides stalking people I haven't seen in ages (I mean, "keeping track of old friends"), but for that reason alone it's quite useful.

I discovered another use for it yesterday, when it informed me that my ex-boyfriend A., whom I dated for five and a half years, had "de-friended" me. I was aware that my brother plays stupid de-friending games with his zillion underage Myspace ex-girlfriends, but I had assumed that adults who don't still live with their parents don't do that sort of thing. The only person I know who has been de-friended was Zoe, who slept with a crazy acquaintance's boyfriend without knowing they were still together. A crazy acquaintance. Removing someone from a friend list in a social networking site seems a petty, ineffective, and especially silly way of registering one's displeasure.

Thus my ex-boyfriend joins the ranks of my brother's Myspace harem and Zoe's cuckoo acquaintance. The best part is that I don't even know what I did to deserve the dreaded/farcical de-friending treatment. No idea. I have exchanged a few brief emails with him recently, perfectly cordial ones, and that is all. Synopsis: devoid of context, childish, and lame.


The weekend was brutal. I almost vomited in the train this morning, but barely managed to suppress it. Maybe I'll write about le weekend later, but now I need to do unimaginably boring things on the computer.

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